Saturday, May 29, 2010

Oil Spill- Worst In American History

Hello everyone. Upupin here.

As some of you may know, an oil pipe has exploded in the Gulf of Mexico. This happened about 1 month ago, and we still have not fixed the problem. All of this oil could destroy the entire Gulf, leaving all of the fish and plants to die.

This is the worst oil spill in American history, and possibly in the entire world.

"On Thursday, officials upped their estimate, saying the well has been gushing between 504,000 and more than 1 million gallons a day into the Gulf. BP and the Coast Guard estimated soon after the explosion that about 210,000 gallons a day were leaking."


As you can see, this is a growing problem and will take around 10 years to fully recover from if we fix this soon. Officials are trying to look for the best way to fix the problem, but it can't be decided yet.

Want to see a live feed of the oil spill? Click here. It is terrible.

This was just a small post to let you know of the oil spill. Stay tuned for more.

~Upupin, Founder of The Green Base

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Even The Smallest Can Help

Hello all! Upupin here.

Today, I would like to talk to you about small ways to help and the way it can effect Earth immensely. Read on to find out how you can do so.

It is our duty to help our planet and conserve as much energy as possible. Most humans are very busy. Work, school, taxes, bills, appointments and so on. While you go on with your daily life, you can also help Earth. Small things on a daily basis is one of the most easiest and efficient ways to save energy.


Most all adults have a job to preform to keep their family healthy and alive. To do this, you must have a job (Or just win the lottery and have a happily ever after) to get an income. While your in your office, you can use battery powered/solar powered objects instead of using electricity. Just by doing that daily you've help out so much. You could also use a manual pencil sharpener rather than electric. If you can find anything to replace electric with manual, that would be just as good.

You don't work in an office? You work outside? Easy. Just use the same method: Replace electric with manual or solar powered objects. Considering you work outside, you would probably prefer solar powered objects as it is easier and more effective than manual unless your willing to sweat a little more.


Your a student attending a school. You would like to go green, but don't know how. Here is some ways you can.

Again, back to the replacing electric with manual/solar powered objects. This method will work for almost anything.

You could also try using a whiteboard instead of paper, or use as much room you can on paper. Wasting paper is not only killing trees, but it is also draining out money. Paper cost money, and wasting paper is wasting money. Shoot, even money is made out of paper. If you insist on wasting paper, then at least try turning off all lights that are unnecessary. If your classroom lights are turned on, but it's 1:00 PM and there is plenty of sunshine, why should you keep the lights on? Will anything be affected? No, you will only be saving money and Earth.


At your house, there are plenty of ways to save energy. But please remember this method that always comes in handy: Replace electric with manual/solar powered objects.

To save energy around the house, you can turn off the computer when not in use, turn off all lights not in use, unplug cords you do not need plugged in, do not let the TV stay on when nobody is watching, fill up the garbage bag until it is completely full, and much more. Doing at least one of these things on a daily basis will certainly help our planet. Do as many ways as possible, try to do the best you can. If one way is your best, than congratulations, your going green. As long as you do your best, you'll be a hero.

See? Even the smallest can help. I've discussed how to save energy at work, school, and your own home. Take a moment to review the sections and decide which ways you would like to help. Set a goal, stick to it, and you'll be on your way to saving Planet Earth.

~Upupin, The Green Base Founder

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Spring Is Here

Hey guys! Upupin here.

Spring is finally here! Flowers blossom, grass turns green, and many more colorful features of spring.
For all of you kids out there, I bet Spring Break is here! Do you enjoy that? I bet you do!
Spring if a time for things getting warmer. Remember, Global Warming is in process. Nobody likes it too hot. Make sure you wear appropriate clothing and don't overheat. (Yes, in some places it is still cold so I guess overheating isn't a problem.) In my opinion, spring is a very good time to help our earth. It's not too hot and it's not too cold. Perfect. I think around 70 degrees is a good temperature.

You can save energy outdoors also! Try pulling weeds by hand, use the appropriate amount of water when watering plants, and save cups you drink out of. Reuse cups so you don't waste 3 or 4 cups.

There are many other ways to save energy in the spring, those were just a few. Remember, saving energy means saving money!

~Upupin, Founder of The Green Base

Sunday, March 28, 2010

New Page- Ways To Save Energy

Hey guys! Upupin here.

I've decided that I could be more effective if I added a Ways To Save Energy page instead of posting ways to save energy. The page will be updated often so check back soon! I'l still post other things though, don't worry. Maybe the efficiency of saving energy or some exciting stories of people saving energy. Give me ideas!

Make sure to tell everyone about our new page. Here is the URL:

If the URL is too long, try shortening it with That is a very good site to shorten URLs and is made by a guy by the name of Geek.

Check back often! More to come.


Friday, March 26, 2010

My Speech (Work In Progress)

Hey guys! Upupin here.

I have been working on a speech about saving energy. Right now I have the Introduction and most of the body in draft, and I will let you know when you guys can read it. Check back soon! (sorry for the short post, just wanted to keep you guys updated. ;)

~Upupin, Founder of The Green Base

Thursday, March 25, 2010

10 Efficient Ways To Save Energy

Hello everyone. Upupin here.

Today I would like to inform you on ways you can save energy. Here are 10 good ways to save energy and money. (Remember, saving energy means saving money)

  1. Raking the leaves- Rake leaves instead of blowing them off with gas/electric powered leaf blowers.
  2. Use a manual can opener- Using a manual can opener can save a small amount of energy but can build up to a great amount.
  3. Unplug electronics not in use- Some electronics draw energy even when they are turned off.
  4. Only wash the dishes when the dish washer is full- It seems to me it is a waste to just wash half the dishes. Wait until it is completely full.
  5. Use CFLs (Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs)- CFLs last a lot longer than other light bulbs. This will eventually save you an immense amount of money.
  6. Carpool- Ride with friends instead of riding by yourself. It will save 2x the amount of gas. (Gas in non-renewable. We need to conserve as much as we can)
  7. Turn off the lights when not in use- There is no need in wasting energy on lights we're not even using.
  8. Start a Green Group- A Green Group is a group that helps with the environment and plans ways to help the planet.
  9. Turn off the water when brushing your teeth- That's a lot of water being wasted.
  10. Take showers, not baths- Taking showers saves a ton of water than taking a bath. Make sure you don't take too long of showers.

There you have it. 10 efficient ways you can make a difference. Another good way to make a difference is to tell everyone about The Green Base. It's as simple as that.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Welcome to The Green Base

Hello everyone! I am Upupin, founder of The Green Base.

The Green Base is a great blog about ways to go green, save money, why going green is important, green stories, testimonies, and much more. Going green is very crucial in helping our planet on which we live.

Come back often to see if there are new ways to go green. (I will also post updates on the blog here).

The Green Base- The base of going green.

~Upupin, Founder of The Green Base.